19 posts tagged with Tips and Tricks

  • NativeScript Code Organization

    Larger projects will require you to keep your code well organized. Proper module referencing is key to moving files and folders around in your NativeScript apps. This post includes a video tutorial on common organization tasks you can perform to move…

  • How to make the NativeScript ListView scrollToIndex Animated on iOS

    If we want to jump directly to a row in our ListView, there is a handy function in NativeScript called scrollToIndex. Sometimes we want a more natural scroll that animated the scrolling motion, this keeps our human brains more in tune with the list…

  • How to make the NativeScript ListView Editable on iOS

    If you use or develop for iOS, you are very familiar with the swipe-to-delete move. Several built in iOS applications have this including email, notes, and reminders. The NativeScript ListView uses the iOS UITableView in the background, but it doesn…

  • Changing the default template in NativeScript

    Has this ever happened to you? You create a new NativeScript project and then realize that you wanted to use TypeScript? Your options are: Delete the project and recreate it using the TypeScript flag. Delete all JavaScript files, add TypeScript to…

  • NativeScript Live Debugging

    You may ask, “What is live debugging?” For a long time NativeScript developers had to make a hard choice while developing applications. We had to choose between debugging or using LiveSync. We couldn’t do both. With the latest release, we now don’t…

  • Don't Lose Your Hair Over NativeScript ListView Bindings that Don't Cooperate

    “Why is my ListView template binding not working?!!” You’re frustrated and you’re tearing your hair out. “It works on the web, but it doesn’t work here, in my NativeScript app! Why? I’ve gone over it with a fine-tooth comb, but still nothing!” If you…

  • My NativeScript .gitignore File

    This is a quick post just for anyone who’s looking for a .gitignore file to add to their NativeScript projects that they version using Git. At this point, none of the NativeScript out of the box templates generate a .gitignore file. This may be…

  • NativeScript Observable Magic String Property Name, Be Gone!

    A popular approach in JavaScript APIs these days is to pass a string that matches a property name as a parameter to some function. These are sometimes called ‘magic strings’ and they are very code smelly. In this article and video we will fix this…

  • Getting Platform Specific in NativeScript

    Have you ever written platform specific code in NativeScript, whether it was JavaScript or CSS? Did it look like a giant -- statement? Or maybe you even separated out your platform specific code into separate functions, but you still needed…

  • The NativeScript Modal Dialog Checklist

    Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself creating a modal dialog for a web application. Ok, I know, there are more exciting things to imagine, but roll with it for a moment. Got it? Now imagine creating a modal dialog in a NativeScript…

  • NativeScript with Angular Styling Course Released

    Working on a team that has given me the experience to create production NativeScript and Angular applications, I’ve been in the trenches and have seen real world scenarios that someone might come across while building an app. Hi, I’m Sean Perkins…

  • NativeScript Font Icon Plugin Checklist

    By this time, you likely have already had the experience of adding font icons to your web or mobile application. You can add nice graphics to spice up your interfaces and you can style the graphics with CSS, since they are just fonts. Libraries like…

  • Easy Dev Backend for NativeScript Apps

    During development, I prefer using a local backend that I quickly spin up along with my NativeScript apps. Why? It's easy, it's offline, it gives me more control, and it allows me to reason about my app in a more realistic way during development…

  • NativeScript Fetch to HttpClient Conversion and Gotchas

    Converting fetch to HttpClient to make API calls is pretty straightforward. But sometimes it's not done correctly, especially when abusing the async pipe. It may be beneficial to use HttpClient instead of the good old global fetch API that lives in…

  • Angular WebView URL Load Detection - I Script Native

    In this issue of I Script Native, Gokul, a NativeScripting student, asked how to detect and respond to URLs being loaded in a WebView component in NativeScript with Angular. As it happens, I've also recently been using these techniques myself when…

  • Async/Await in NativeScript

    The mysterious async/await combination has been permeating JavaScriptland the for a bit now. You can use it in NativeScript too, but you need this little trick to get it working. Async/await works for either NativeScript Core, NativeScript with…

  • TypeScript and Class Components in NativeScript-Vue

    The time that we've all been waiting for has finally come. Ok, maybe the time that I've been waiting for... Big News NativeScript-Vue finally got TypeScript support! Here is the pull request by Manuel Saelices that made it possible. This news is…

  • NativeScript-Vue Class Components Examined

    Using class components in NativeScript-Vue with TypeScript? You need to know these five things. Warning: strong personal opinions follow, but there is no swearing ;) Right Direction Class Component Scaffolding Five Things About Class Components in…

  • NativeScript Vue Manual Routing Function Typings

    NativeScript Vue Manual Routing Function Typing This tutorial will show you how to avoid TypeScript compilation errors when using NativeScript-Vue routing functions along with your TypeScript class-based components. TL;DR If you prefer a video…

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